Organizational chart of the bureau of african affairs. Indian affairs org chart author.
Bureau Of Near Eastern Affairs Wikiwand
bureau of near eastern affairs organizational chart
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1 fam 161 assistant secretary for near eastern affairs nea ctorg 224.
Bureau of near eastern affairs organizational chart. Foreign affairs manual fam 112 the bureau also ensures the adequacy of us. Our mission the bureau of international organization affairs io with its six diplomatic missions geneva montreal nairobi new york rome and vienna develops and implements us. 01 08 2010 the assistant secretary for near eastern affairs nea reports directly to the under secretary for political affairs p see 1 fam 112 and has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 fam 160bureau of near eastern affairs nea.
Foreign policy in the middle east and north africa region through carefully administered diplomacy advocacy and assistance that advances the interests safety and economic prosperity of the american people. Our mission the bureau of near eastern affairs leads us. Bureau of indian affairs bureau of indian education director bureau of indian affairs director bureau of indian.
Office of east african affairs. The bureau of near eastern affairs nea also known as the bureau of near east asian affairs is an agency of the department of state within the united states government that deals with us. 3 agencies in 4 states tn nc fl ms director.
Government activities within the region including political economic consular public diplomacy and administrative management issues. The offices of the bureau of african affairs direct coordinate and supervise us. The assistant secretary for near eastern affairs oversees the overall.
Foreign policy and diplomatic relations with the nations of the near east. Policy for the countries within the region and of the plans programs resources and performance for implementing that policy. Policy at the united nations and in a wide range of other multilateral organizations.
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